
Tri Reo


  • Polyvalent vaccine inactivated virus, prepared with strains 1133 of the virus of viral arthritis disease, strain 2408 of the virus associated with viral arthritis and syndrome of malabsorption and strain 3005 associated with necrosis of the head of the femur and bone fragility


  • Protection against reovirus infections.


  • 0.5 ml / bird by S/C or I/M route


  • 1000 doses


  • Keep the vaccine in refrigeration, at a temperature between 2 and 8 ° C.
  • If the birds are vaccinated during the production period, the necessary measures must be taken to minimize posture losses.
  • Extreme caution should be taken not to apply the product too close to the head, as it may cause severe inflammation.
  • With the application of any emulsified product in oil, postvaccination reactions can occur such as: localized inflammation, granuloma formation at the injection site, neck stiffness, head inflammation, transient inapetence and dehydration.